Thank you for your patience in letting me continue to use this to send you opportunity announcements. I promise that I will get back to essays that might delight/inform soon. But there are some more opportunities with my team that I wanted to make sure that folks know about:
Professors and Researchers: MSR is providing funding for a series of different projects. The first cluster are called “AI&Society fellowships.” The second cluster are called “BRAID challenges.” Let me call attention to a few that are led by my team:
Fellowship for AI in Organizational Settings. This is to support studies that examine how AI is unfolding on the ground and reconfiguring sectors like agriculture, energy, financial services, government, insurance, manufacturing, and retail/supply chains. I am the lead on this one.
Fellowship for AI in the Production of Culture, Media, and the Arts. This is for folks who are focused on how AI is transforming cultural production. Tarleton Gillespie is the lead here.
Fellowship for Supporting the Responsible AI Red-Teaming Human Infrastructure. This is for those who are investigating how to ensure that this form of digital labor does not harm workers. Mary Gray is the lead here.
BRAID Challenge on Joyful AI. This is for researchers who are conducting projects that think about joy, with a focus on marginalized communities. Nancy Baym is leading this effort.
Please note that that there are MANY more. Copyright Protection for User Data. Plural Governance. Regulatory Innovation. Sociotechnical Approaches to Measuring Harms. Storytelling and Futurism. And much much more. If you are a scholar or civil society researcher working in these spaces, check out these opportunities for funding and collaboration.
PhD Students: Microsoft Research supports funded internships and postdocs focused on sociotechnical questions. Our calls are now out. Please check these out!
We often have many more opportunities than I announce here. But we always put them on our blog and send them to our mailing list. Please sign up for that at the Social Media Collective’s blog.
And please please please help us spread the word. With social media so fractured and dysfunctional, we worry that interested people might not hear about these great opportunities. Help us identify people we don’t already know!